Shri Amitabh Bachchan
10th Road. J.V.P.D.
Juhu Scheme
Mumbai - 400049
Respectable Shri Amitabhji,
Subject: “Shivapuram” To Be The Eighth Wonder of the World
“Shivapuram” To Be The Eighth Wonder of the World” is a project of national and international significance. It has tremendous potential to bring all round prosperity for one and all. We are confident that, “Shivapuram” will also bring a sense of pride and achievement in the heart of every citizen of this country. The brief project details are mentioned in the enclosed presentation.
We are sure that, after seeing the enclosed details, you will agree that, this has tremendous potential of generating revenues for one and all, providing phenomenal employment and becoming a symbol of our 5000 year old national cultural heritage.
We strongly feel your support through active personal involvement and Brand Ambassadorship etc. can make this gigantic project a reality and a subject of contentment in the mind of every Indian for centuries to come.
We look forward to have a personal meeting with you to provide further project details and also clear any issue of apprehensiveness. As you often travel to Delhi, it will be easy for us to meet you in Delhi as per your convenience.
We also feel, such institutions get us close to the blessings of almighty and dear ones who are watching us from unknown distances. We look forward to have your good wishes and join you in this extraordinary human endeavour, one in centuries.
With deep regards
Sincerely Yours
For Foundation for Social and Religious Integration
A. K. Jain
Managing Trustee
Dated: 24.04.2015
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